Table of Contents
General facts
The year is approximately 382 days in total - roughly 573 Earth days.
The lunar month is approximately 24,4 days.
One day is 2160 minutes (we kept the length of the minute the same as here so that our heads would not explode from the calculations). At the time of the comic mechanical clocks aren't a thing yet, maybe somewhere someone is working on a prototype. There are some sun dials, or water dials, hourglasses and similar contraptions.
In Huzsa the time has been normalised in an amendment to the Temple Codex, one of the three legal documents that lie at the foundation of the Sisterhood. The Codex tasks the temples with timekeeping and with announcing what time it is. The temples use sound and visual signals to announce full hours. In Huzsa there are 15 hours 144 minutes each. The diagram below shows how the hours correspond to the day cycle - of course it's an approximation and exactly when the sun rises and sets varies throughout the year. As mentioned on our page about religion 5 is the number of Fate, one of the two Huzsan deities. Fate is also connected to the creation of the sun, so noon, when the sun is the strongest is marked by the 5th hour.
In the Empire there are no normalised hours and different parts of the Empire measure time differently. Ruiso comes from a place where they have 18 hours counted from dawn till dusk, which means that depending on the season the lengths of these hours differ. So there is no diagram for that.
Huzsan calendar
In Huzsa there are 15 months, eight months with 25 days and seven months with 26 days interchangeably. On the chart below you can see the 25 day months in yellow and the 26 day months in blue.
A "week" lasts 5 days, with 4 days of work and one day for rest, or relative rest as in less work than usual. In the longer months there is one two-day break, usually the one closest to the full moon.
The names of the months are related to the natural world, agriculture and religious calendar. Clans used to have different calendars and names for months, but the Temple Codex standardised the calendar. While choosing the names for the months the writers of the Codex tried to honour the most important traditions for various groups of clans, living in different conditions. Therefore certain names make little sense in some parts of Huzsa while at the same time they make perfect sense in other parts. Only a few clans are situated on the ocean coast or close to the mountains and so on.
1. Eirlizs - the month named after the word "farewell", it was the time when traditionally the men of the family departed with the herd animals. The women and children stayed tending to the land and properties.
2. Yusnku - the month named after the words "high water", the time when the mountain glaciers melt after the winter and seasonal rivers are rejuvenated again.
3. Elstimb - the month named after the words "first crops", the month when first plants planted at the end of the previous year ripen and many fruits begin ripen.
4. Myef - the month named after the word "fruit", the month the fresh fruit is abundant.
5. Hadsek - the month named after the word "hive", the month when bees are at the peak of their activity.
6. Kanlna - the month named after the word "scorching", the time of the year when the temperatures are usually the highest.
7. Balmnaf - the month named after the word "whale", the month when whale migrations happen along the ocean coast, as the whales come to the waters between the islands to reproduce.
8. Shuetr - the month named after the word "to harverst", the time when most things are harvested.
9. Nektlusik - the month named after the word "longing", the name reflects the time when traditionally families were separated for a long time, missed each other and awaited the time they would be united again.
10. Uzsl - the month named after the word "to dry up", the time when most seasonal water sources finally dry up.
11. Kuardzsam - the month named after the word "to welcome", traditionally it was the time when men came back home with the herds.
12. Malmbeik - the month named after the words "dump days", the typical start of the rainy season near the ocean and along the main river.
13. Sumnku - the month named after the words "vast water", the time when the main river of Huzsa overflows.
14. Yagtseura - the month named after the words "together again", the name comes from one of the most important holidays in the Huzsan year, a two day celebration of the family, the ones who are deceased and those who are alive.
15. Dmeuk - the month named after the word "to plant", the month when most planting took place in the gardens.
Huzsan calendar (left) and Imperial calendar (right)
I = spring equinox
II = summer solstice
III = autumn equinox
IV = winter solstice
Imperial calendar
There are 15 months 25 days each with additional 7 transitional days of crucial religious importance.
The names of the months are just ordering numerals from 1st to 15th: Has'hi, Tu'hi, Sebo'hi, Disse'hi, Gano'hi, Nama'hi, Ilog'hi, Adda'hi, Kiyu'hi, Mou'hi, Hasyol'hi, Tuyol'hi, Sebyol'hi, Disyol'hi, Ganyol'hi all makerd red on the diagram above and Ilog Gun Ahella (the extra 7 days) marked yellow on the diagram.
The Imperial week consists of five days: Attu'gun (day of the sun), Balla'gun (day of the wind), Heka'gun (day of the river), Nyonu'gun (day of the mountain), Mezgas'gun (day of the moon).
Huzsan and Imperial months comparison table
The table shows which days of which Imperial months correspond to Huzsan months. And it also gives a rough idea about how the months correspond to seasons. But the number and types of seasons are not the same all over the Empire or Huzsa so this is not absolutely accurate. On the left you have Huzsan months presented in order from the beginning of the year according to the Huzsan calender and the number of days in this month. On the left you have Imperial months and the days of these months which fall into the same time slot as the Huzsan month on right.
Huzsan months | Imperial months |
1st month Eirlizs length: 25 days |
Disse'hi (4th month) days: 21st - 25th (20th - 25th) Gano'hi (5th month) days: 1st - 20th (1st - 19th) |
2nd month Yusnku length: 26 days |
Gano'hi (5th month) days: 21st - 25th (20th - 25th) Nama'hi (6th month) days: 1st - 21st (1st - 20th) |
3rd month Elstimb length: 25 days |
Nama'hi (6th month) days: 22nd - 25th (21st - 25th) Ilog'hi (7th month) days: 1st - 21st (1st - 20th) |
4th month Myef 26 days |
Ilog'hi (7th month) days: 22nd - 25th (21st - 25th) Adda'hi (8th month) days: 1st - 22nd (1st - 21st) |
5th month Hadsek length: 25 days |
Adda'hi (8th month) days: 23rd - 25th (22nd - 25th) Kiyu'hi (9th month) days: 1st - 22nd (1st - 21st) |
6th month Balmnaf length: 26 days |
Kiyu'hi (9th month) days" 23rd - 25th (22nd - 25th) Mou'hi (10th month) days: 1st - 23rd (1st - 22nd) |
7th month Kanlna length: 25 days |
Mou'hi (10th month) days:24th - 25th (23rd - 25th) Hasyol'hi (11th month) days: 1st - 23rd (1st - 22nd) |
8th month Shuetr length: 26 days |
Hasyol'hi (11th month) days: 24th - 25th (23rd - 25th) Tuyol'hi (12th month) days: 1st - 24th (1st - 23rd) |
9th month Nektlusik length: 25 days |
Tuyol'hi (12th month) days: 25th (24th - 25th) Sebyol'hi (13th month) days: 1st - 24th (1st - 23rd) |
10th month Uzsl length: 26 days |
Sebyol'hi (13th month) days: 25th (24th - 25th) Disyol'hi (14th month) days: 1st - 25th (1st - 24th) |
11th month Kuardzsam length: 25 days |
Disyol'hi (14th month) day: (25th) Ganyol'hi (15th month) days: 1st - 25th (1st - 24th) |
12th month Malmbeik length: 26 days |
Ganyol'hi (15th month) day: (25th) Ilog Gun Ahella (Empire's most important religious holiday) days: 1st - 7th Has'hi (1st month) days: 1st - 19th (1st - 18th) |
13th month Sumnku length: 25 days |
Has'hi (1st month) days: 20th - 25th (19th - 25th) Tu'hi (2nd month) days: 1st - 19th (1st - 18th) |
14th month Yagtseura length: 26 days |
Tu'hi (2nd month) length: 20th - 25th (19th - 25th) Sebo'hi (3rd month) days: 1st - 20th (1st - 19th) |
15th month Dmeuk length: 25 days |
Sebo'hi (3rd month) days: 21st - 25th (20th - 25th) Disse'hi (4th month) days: 1st - 20th (1st - 19th) |