This is the cutest page in this volume. Maybe in the whole comic, because I'm not sure we can best ourselves in the cute department XD
In the summer when we did a Fuzs/Uene sibling feature Marcianek (more of her stuff on her deviant art page and her tumblr) sort of predicted this in fanart she drew. Please check it out in the FANART section of the page.
Also I wrote a lore page which sort of explains "why a pig", because we probably won't be expanding on it too much the comic itself. Suffice to say that in Haibne's context it's a very typical pet. As a disclaimer I'd like to say that I'm not a great fan of pet pigs/other less typical animals in our world because too often they end up homeless and miserable or become invasive species.If you want to see how the page was created please follow our tumblr.
More drawings by Joolita on her deviantart page